Additional Settings

The Additional Settings configuration covers additional miscellaneous settings including spawning objects on impact, enabling and disabling logging, limiting how many of the ability can be active during play at once and setting up for surrounding objects to travel with the ability.

Subscribing to Ability Activation & Completed Events

If ticked then a ability activation delegate event will be raised when the ability is activated and/or completed which can be connected to from any script.

This can be used for example to modify your movement scripts outside of the ABC system to turn off navigation whilst the ability is activating.

Code example to subscribe to the event delegate:

private void OnEnable() {
 this.ABCEventsCont = transform.GetComponentInChildren();

 if (this.ABCEventsCont != null)
        this.ABCEventsCont.onAbilityActivation += this.DisableNavigation;
        this.ABCEventsCont.onAbilityActivationComplete += this.EnableNavigation;

public void EnableNavigation() {
//Code to enable Navigation

public void DisableNavigation() {
//Code to disable DisableNavigation

private void OnDisable() {
    if (this.movementEventsABC != null) {
    this.movementEventsABC.onEnableMovement -= this.EnableMovement;
    this.movementEventsABC.onDisableMovement -= this.DisableMovement;

Adding Surrounding Objects

If enabled then nearby objects can be converted to a Surrounding Object. Surrounding Objects will become attached to the ability, travelling along side it. Once the ability is destroyed all surrounding objects will be converted back to the states they were in before unlinking them from the ability (unless they are destroyed from ability effects or the “Destroy On Collision” Setting detailed below).

For example any debris in the game can be setup to travel with an ability projectile, simulating a magical force moving the debris like telekinesis. Only objects with the ABC StateManager component with the “Block Surrounding Object Status” unticked can be converted to a surrounding object.

Surrounding Objects will not work for Raycast ability types as no ability object is produced for the surrounding objects to travel with.

There is no limit to how many surrounding objects can be used. You can convert nearby environments or enemies into a surrounding object which will gravitate to and travel with the ability. There is also options to apply the abilities effects or destroy surrounding objects when the ability collides.

When ticked further settings will show which will allow you to set which tags or objects should be included as a 'Surrounding Object'

Notable Settings

It is highly recommended to read the tooltips in the blue boxes for a full description on what each setting does

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