
The Settings configuration holds a host of general settings including:

  • Activation Intervals

  • Global Adjustments

  • GUI Log and Logging Preferences

  • Ability Cancelling

  • Idle Mode Configuration

  • Hit Interruption/Prevention Toggles

Ability Interval

One of the most important settings in this configuration is the Ability Activation Interval which determines the time till another ability can be activated globally, the smaller the number the faster the entity can activate abilities one after another. The setting can take a float value.

This setting helps control the flow of your ability activation for your characters, want fast attacks? Then have a small interval. Want some breathing space between casting spells? Increase the interval.

This interval can be adjusted temporarily by abilities, if for example a strong attack needs more recovery time before the next attack can activate.

Input Combo Interval

This section also allows for you to configure the Input Combo Recycle Interval which is the interval between the last recorded input before the combination of recent inputs is recycled to start fresh.

This setting links directly to the functionality to trigger abilities from a combination of key inputs

i.e F > F> B will do a special attack.

This setting determines when the inputs recorded will be refreshed ready for a new set of input combinations. For example, if F > F is entered then the player has up until the interval to enter the B to do the special attack, if done after the interval the ability will not trigger and the player has to enter in again F > F > B.

Global Adjustments

Within ABC is a small number of global adjustments which can be modified permanently in the controller manager or temporarily through effects.

These adjustments will change the behaviour of the characters abilities at once, like reducing prepare time (reduce casting) or increasing cooldowns.

Global adjustments can be modified temporarily by effects to give the player a quick attack buff or an enemy a cooldown increasing debuff

The following global adjustments can be modified:

Global Prepare Time Adjustment

This setting is used to speed up or slow down all ability prepare times (how long it takes an ability to initiate) as a percentage. 100% means all abilities will prepare at the normal rate defined for each ability.

If for example the number is 50 then all ability prepare times will be halved. The lower the number the less time each ability will prepare for before activating. If higher then prepare times will globally increase.

If 0 is entered then it will default to 100. This can be modified during play by the ability effect: Adjust Ability Global Prepare Time.

Global Ability Initiation Speed Adjustment

Determines the base speed of the ability initiation. Normal default speed is 100%. Modify this setting to speed up or slow down the ability which includes animation speed. 50% will make the ability initiate slower, 150% will make the ability initiate faster.

This value will affect everything from when the ability should appear to animation speed adjustment. If you want to speed up a sword attack so the swing is faster or cast a spell faster then increase this value.

Global Cooldown Adjustment

This setting is used to speed up or slow down all ability cooldowns as a percentage. 100% means all abilities will cooldown at the normal rate defined for each ability.

If for example the number is 50 then all ability cooldowns will be halved. The lower the number the faster each ability cooldown will be. If higher then cooldowns will globally increase.

If 0 is entered then it will default to 100. This can be modified during play by the ability effect: Adjust Ability Global Cooldown.

Global Ability Miss Chance

This setting is used to determine the chance for an ability to miss the target. Determines the chance that an ability can miss the target. by offsetting randomly on to the position it was intended to go to.

The higher the miss chance the more the entities abilities will miss. Abilities can be set to never miss by enabling the following setting: Ability Can Miss.

Ability GUI Log

This setting requires an Unity text object which can be created from the Unity menu: GameObject > UI > Text. This object can be placed anywhere on the screen and will display a number of different ability and target events which can be turned on and off.

Examples of events include when an ability is ready to cast again, if not enough mana is available to cast the ability of when a target has been selected

Logging Preferences

Logging filters can be applied which allows the option of picking what type of events are logged. If the box is ticked and enabled then text relating to the box will appear in the log during play.

The options which can be filtered are:

  • Ready To Activate

    • Writes to the log when an ability is ready to activate again

  • Range

    • Writes to the log when an ability is unable to activate on the target due to being out of range

  • Facing Target

    • Writes to the log when an ability requires the entity to face the target to activate and the entity is not currently facing the target

  • Target Selection

  • Soft Target Selection

  • World Target Selection

  • Activation Error

    • Writes to the log if the ability is unable to activate for a number of reasons i.e a target is required

  • Not enough Mana

    • Writes to the log if the ability is unable to activate due to the entity not having enough mana

  • Preparing Ability

    • Writes to the log when an ability starts preparing

  • Ability Interrupted

    • Writes to the log when an ability has started activating but has been interrupted

  • Initiating Ability

    • Writes to the log when an ability starts initiating

  • Activating Ability

    • Writes to the log when the ability activates (projectile created/raycast sent) etc

    • Also writes to the log when the ability is waiting for a new target to activate

  • Scroll Ability Equip

    • Writes to the log when a scroll ability is equipped and active

  • Ammo Information

    • Writes to the log if a reload is required for the current scroll ability

    • Writes to the log when ammo is required to activate the ability but the entity does not have enough

Notable Settings

It is highly recommended to read the tooltips in the blue boxes for a full description on what each setting does

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