Target & Soft Target todo
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The Settings configuration is where you define the ability type and set details for the ability including the name, description, icon image, graphic, mana cost, cooldown, travel speed and duration.
Depending on the ability type selected some settings may show or hide as some settings are not used for certain types
The dropdown at the top right defines the type of ability, depending on the selection the ability will behave differently. The following types can be selected:
When activated will create a GameObject in game which can travel and collide with objects applying effects. Will become its own entity by not becoming a child of any other object allowing it to move on it’s own accord. This type of ability has different settings and functionality typically used for projectiles.
When activated will create a GameObject which will become a child of the starting position object, allowing for animations to control the movement of the ability (like a sword swipe). This type of ability has different settings and functionality typically used for melee combat. Effects will be applied when the child GameObject collides.
If selected then the abilities Travel Type will default to “No Travel”
When activated will Raycast out via to different target points depending on the travel type selected. Any objects hit will have effects applied. No GameObject is created. Recommend for Guns in TPS/FPS type games
The Scrollable Ability configuration is where you can setup graphics and animations to activate when a scroll ability is enabled/‘equipped’ and disabled/‘unequipped’.
Only one scrollable ability can be enabled at once and scrolling to the next scrollable ability will deactivate the current scroll ability disabling its “Scroll Ability Aesthetic” graphics and enabling the next scroll ability activating its “Scroll Ability Aesthetic” graphics.
Scroll abilities share the same trigger, the shared trigger when pressed will activate the scroll ability which is currently equipped.
This can also be used for games similar to Skyrim, where you scroll through to new abilities showing a graphic which represents what type of ability will initiate when the scroll ability share key/button trigger is pressed.
Main Graphic
Displays the main graphic for the projectile or attack, this can be either a particle or an object. If you rather not have a graphic here then use the default "ABC_Empty" prefabs which come with ABC
This object will be spawned in game and modified by ABC to make the ability work in game. This includes adding colliders and extra components.
Can Activate During Hit Prevention
Ticking this box will allow the ability to start activating even if the entities ability activation has been prevented due to a recent hit
Hit Prevention Won't interrupt Activation
Ticking this box will ensure that the abilities activation will never be interrupted due to a recent hit.
Ability Toggle
Determines if the ability can be toggled on and off. If the ability toggle is on then the ability will stay active in play until the duration is up or it has been toggled off using the same key. There is an option to either hold down to keep the ability active or to press to toggle on and off.
Force Activation
If enabled then the ability will activate even if the entity is currently restricted from activating abilities. The only exception is if the restriction is due to being hit. Useful for dodge type abilities.
Prepare Time
Determines how long the ability will wait before initiating, simulates the entity 'casting/activating/preparing'
If 0 is set then the ability will skip the preparation stage
Initiation Base Speed Adjustment (%)
Determines the base speed of the ability initiation. Normal default speed is 100%. Modify this setting to speed up or slow down the ability which includes animation speed. 50% will make the ability initiate slower, 150% will make the ability initiate faster.
This value will affect everything from when the ability should appear to animation speed adjustment. If you want to speed up a sword attack so the swing is faster or cast a spell faster then increase this value.
Use Ammo
If enabled then the ability will require ammo to activate. Each time the ability activates it will reduce 1 from the ammo count. If the ammo count is 0 then the ability will not activate. Although named as ammo this can also be used to control how many times an ability can be used in game
Once enabled there is an option for that ability to have it's own ammo count or an option to reduce ammo from the current equipped weapon's ammo count, meaning that the weapon can manage ammo and reloading globally which abilities will utilise.
It is highly recommended to read the tooltips in the blue boxes for a full description on what each setting does