Core Components
Ability & Combat Toolkit (ABC) is Unity Editor Extension released at the end of 2019. The main focus for ABC is to bring high quality combat and combat related features to your game projects.
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Ability & Combat Toolkit (ABC) is Unity Editor Extension released at the end of 2019. The main focus for ABC is to bring high quality combat and combat related features to your game projects.
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ABC comes with 2 core components; ABC Controller and ABC State Manager which can both be attached to Objects.
The ABC Controller is used to setup and activate abilities. It also includes functionality including AI, Weapons, UI, mana and targeting. You will notice all these features relate to activating or setting up for abilities to activate.
The ABC State Manager component is used to interact with abilities and receive effects. Objects require both the ABC State Manager and a collider to interact with ABC abilities. This component also has additional functionality all related to being on the receiving end of an ability including health, stats, hit animations, death features and effect diagnostic.
Objects can use both components but it's also possible for a Object to only have 1 of the 2 components. For example if a Character is designed to only activate abilities and not receive hits and effects then the Character only needs the ABC Controller Component and not the ABC State Manager Component.
The Global portal can be accessed from the Unity Toolbar by going to Window > ABC > Global Portal. This will bring up a window which holds the Character Creator used to setup your characters for combat and a library of premade global weapons/abilities/effects which can be modified and linked/copied to your characters.