Scrollable & Reload

The Scrollable & Reload configuration settings determine which keys are used to scroll through and activate abilities setup as ‘Scroll Abilities’.

Only one scrollable ability can be enabled at once and scrolling through will deactivate the current and enable the next, like cycling through weapons in an FPS. All scrollable abilities will activate via one trigger also setup here.

Ammo reload settings which also relate to scroll abilities can also be found in this section.


‌The input in section allow for you to choose how to trigger the next/previous scroll ability switching and the scroll ability activate key. For each input you have 2 can either select for a key trigger or a button trigger.

The Key option will allow you to select a specific key from the dropdown

The Button option will allow you to enter a string which should match the same button name setup in the Unity Input Manager (both old and new). This method allows the end user to configure inputs which map to the button name added in this text box.


There is also a trigger in this configuration to set which key will load the current equipped weapon if it has been setup to reload ammo.

Scrollable UI

Image GUI

‌‌This setting requires a Unity image object which can be created from the Unity menu: GameObject > UI > Image or Raw Image

This object can be placed anywhere on the screen and will display the ‘Icon Image’ of the scrollable ability which is currently equipped.

Ammo GUI

‌‌This setting requires a Unity text object which can be created from the Unity menu: GameObject > UI >Text

This object can be placed anywhere on the screen and will display the ammo status of the scrollable ability which is currently equipped.

If Use Reload has been set up for the weapon then it will show the CurrentClipCount/MaxAmmo, else it will just show the current Ammo value.

It is highly recommended to read the tooltips in the blue boxes for a full description on what each setting does

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