UI Icons
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This UI Icons configuration allows for the setup of interactive Icons/buttons which which clicked during play can perform actions including:
Ability Activation
Scroll Ability Activation
Weapon Equip
The UI Icons can also be setup to be draggable to allow the UI icon to move to a different slot or overwrite another slot where a UI icon already exists. This for example be used to setup a spell book where abilities are dragged onto the toolbar.
At the left of the UI Icon configuration is a list of all the Icons that have added for the character. Selecting an Icon in the list will load it’s settings to the right.
The UI Icons in the list can be dragged to a different position by clicking the “=” and moving the mouse however this is for ease of navigation only and does not affect anything during play.
New UI Icons can be added by hitting the “+ Add UI Icon” button. Pressing this button will add a Unity button to the scene which links to the Icon in the Controller Config. This object comes with text objects and background images which you are free to modify.
If a UI Icon is currently selected it can be copied with the “Copy UI Icon” button. Any selected UI Icon can be deleted by pressing the “X Delete UI Icon” Button.
This example can be used, referenced or edited and includes a full ability book source setup allowing for the icons to only be dragged to a ‘toolbar’ ready for it to be clicked on to activate during play. This also includes tooltip information and countdown overlays.
The dropdown at the top left defines the Icon Type, depending on the selection will determine what happens when the button is pressed in game, like activating an ability. The following icons can be selected:
Empty Icon
Icon is empty and does nothing, however other icons can be dropped on the empty icon filling it with an ability which can be activated
Ability Activation
When Icon is clicked then the abilities linked to the icon will be triggered to activate.
Scroll Ability Activation
When icon is clicked then the current scroll ability if exists will be triggered to activate.
Weapon Equip
Will equip the weapon linked when the icon is clicked.
Depending on the dropdown selected different settings will appear:
The dropdown at the top right defines the Action Type, depending on the selection will determine what the Icon can do in regards to being dragged and dropped. The following can be selected:
Dynamic Action Types can be dragged and moved on to other empty dynamic UI Icons or will swap places with non empty dynamic UI Icons. This is the action type for the typical toolbar setup where during play abilities on the toolbar can be swapped to another position on the toolbar
Source Action Types can be dragged on to dynamic UI Icons (empty and non empty) overwriting what was currently there before. Source Icons once dropped unlike dynamic types will always remain where it was dragged from. This is the action type for the typical ‘ability book’ setup. Where multiple source icons can be dragged onto a toolbar with the original icon remaining in place.
Static Action Types can not be dragged and no other UI Icons can be dropped on them. They can not be modified at all during play. This is useful for adding buttons to a game which will always do the same thing as a core mechanic of the game (like activating the current scroll weapon).
When setting up icons you have the option to configure if an input trigger will will activate the icon, activating the ability or swapping the weapon (depending on the Icon Type).
Most commonly used in games with toolbars where pressing the '1' button on the keyboard will activate the ability/icon in the first slot and pressing '2' will activate the second slot.
Setting this up means that no matter what ability you drag onto the first slot in the toolbar pressing the trigger button will always activate what ever ability is in that slot, no matter if it gets replaced by another ability.
Selecting 'Click From Trigger' will allow for you to determine what input done by the player will activate the icon.
The Key option will allow you to select a specific key from the dropdown to activate the Icon.
The Button option will allow you to enter a string which should match the same button name setup in the Unity Input Manager (both old and new). This method allows the end user to configure inputs which map to the button name added in this text box.
You can also set to override the key text so it shows a specific string, allowing you to replace Unity's 'Mouse 0' with 'Left Mouse Click'
Substitute Ability When Disabled
This will add substitute ability links to the UI Icon in a listed order. If the ability in the main link is disabled for any reason then the Icon will instead be linked to the substitute ability updating tooltips, icons and activating from the same icon trigger.
When trying to find a substitute the system will go down the list in order using the next ability found which is enabled. If the main link is re-enabled then it will overwrite the substitute once more.
It is highly recommended to read the tooltips in the blue boxes for a full description on what each setting does
If the "Load Icon Toolbar" is clicked then a ABC_UIIconToolbar object will be added to the Hierarchy and 6 UI Icons will automatically be created in the list configured to connect to the 6 Icons within the default ‘toolbar’ prefab. This example can be used, referenced or edited and includes a full ability activation setup including tooltip information and countdown overlays.
If the "Load Icon Book" is clicked then the ABC_UIIconBook object will be added to the Hierarchy and a number UI Icons will automatically be created in the list configured to connect to the Icons within the default ‘book’ prefab.